Care Krafts

Care Kraft
Care KraftCare KraftCare KraftCare Kraft

By Yasir Bhat , Thursday, October 4, 2012 12:00 AM

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Care krafts revels in sustainable luxury and beauty. A tribute to things made exceptionally well by hand. A place where things are born out of tradition and integrity can share a home. An exploration of artisans around the world. Our goal is ensure sustainable livelihood for artisans by creating top quality hand made products.

Care Krafts envisaged as a bridge between Artisans and Customers, tradition and the contemporary, change and continuity. Using the traditional techniques of embroidery, and incorporating traditional motifs the range of home furnishings and accessories is developed in contemporary style for the domestic as well as the international market. Care Krafts is associated with the producer groups & craft clusters of different crafts of Kashmir. Care Krafts offer services related crafts and craft products in the Kashmir vicinity.

We organize craft tours where all the processes of different crafts from Kashmir are being explored.

Care Krafts
52-Shiekh Mohalla Soura Soura
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190011
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Phone : 919906726427
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52-Shiekh Mohalla Soura Soura Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190011


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